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2005-6-10日 22:13 阅读:次 作者:guitarguitar译 [ ]

"Si ji" in Chinese is Four Seasons. We have chosen it to be the title of this ‘China’ inspired album. I hope this disc will leave you with an image of variety and diversity of colors, like the four seasons.

As a musician, I feel a responsibility to communicate between different cultures and people through my music. As an artist from China, I would like to infuse the culture of my country in my music. As a guitarist, I hope to make a small contribution towards expanding the guitar repertoire, exploring new possibilities and enriching the techniques for the instrument.

The guitar originated in the Middle East, halfway between China and the West. Chinese culture is refined, poetic, expressive and adaptable, like Chinese painting. These virtues can be usefully applied to the guitar. I was struck by the possibilities of the instrument after recording this CD—how ideas from the east have helped in exploring and enriching what is essentially western music.

make music from my heart as always, and I hope that you will respond in a similar way.

Si Ji 是中文四季的音译,我们选择了它作为这张以中国题材相关的唱片的标题,我希望能给大家留下一个像四季一样的多姿多彩印象。




1 Yi Dance (W. Huiran)彝族舞曲 王惠然
2 Shepherd Boy with Flute (H. Luting)牧童短笛 贺渌汀
3 Intonation (D. Ungerrank) 音调
4 Long Out-stretched Pier with its Shadow (D. Ungerrank)渡影
5 Wind on the Hill (D. Ungerrank) 山风
6 Waiting for Guests (D. Ungerrank) 侯客
7 Land Circus (D. Ungerrank) 马戏
8 Heavenly Bird (traditional) 天鸟
9 Lantern Song (traditional) 灯笼歌
10 Mayila (traditional) 不懂翻
11 Meditation No. 2 (E. Hirschelman) 沉思2
12 Meditation No. 1 (E. Hirschelman) 沉思 1
13 The Blue Kite (S. Goss) 蓝风筝
14 Yellow Earth (S. Goss) 黄土地
15 Farewell My Concubine (S. Goss) 再见情人
16 I Ching No. 1 (C. Domeniconi) 易经 1
17 I Ching No. 3 (C. Domeniconi) 易经 3
18 I Ching No. 4 (C. Domeniconi) 易经 4
19 I Ching No. 5 (C. Domeniconi) 易经 5
20 I Ching No. 6 (C. Domeniconi) 易经 6
21 I Ching No. 7 (C. Domeniconi) 易经 7
22 South China Sea Peace (S.Funk Pearson) 平静的南中国海
23 Spring (T. Rougier) 春
24 Summer (T. Rougier) 夏
25 Autumn (T. Rougier) 秋
26 Winter (T. Rougier) 冬

出自: 吉他中国论坛

-5月号吉他杂志访谈:杨雪霏—永远的吉他家 (2005年6月7日)
-吉他中国专访北京优秀古典吉他教师孙宏光 (2005年5月11日)
-听杨雪霏西安古典吉他音乐会有感 (2005年4月9日)
-杨雪霏在新加坡的电台访谈及在线收听 (2005年2月13日)
-新加坡联合早报:杨雪霏要把吉他带回亚洲 (2005年2月1日)




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