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2005-3-31日 8:1 阅读:次 作者:罗老 [ ]

以下为名家们所用的琴 。 。 。       

Sergio Abreu -
Sergio Abreu, Brazil
Jose Romanillos, England
Hermann Hauser I, Germany, 1935 (Ref No.108)
(Duo Abreu) - Daniel Friederich, France, S/N: 371 (1974) and 372 (1974) (Ref No.238)

Lily Afshar -
Thomas Humphrey, U.S.A., Millennium model (Ref No.107A)

Laurindo Almeida -
Jose Ramirez III, Spain, cedar/Braz (Ref No.68)
Julius Gido, U.S.A. (Ref No.69)
Felix Manzanero, Spain (Ref No.79)
Vicente Solis Garcia, Mexico, 1953, spruce/Indian (Ref No.84)

Vicente Amigo -
Manuel Reyes, Spain (Ref No.109)
Lester DeVoe, U.S.A. (Ref No.110)

Maria L. Anido -
Jose Yacopi, Argentina (Ref No.202)

Armaldu Anarson -
Ignacio Fleta, Spain

Alice Artzt -
Thomas Humphrey, U.S.A .
Sergio Abreu, Brazil (Ref No.89)

Odair Assad -
Paul Fischer, England
Thomas Humphrey, U.S.A., Millennium model (Ref No.107B)
Jose Romanillos, England
David Rubio, England

Sergio Assad -
Paul Fischer, England
Thomas Humphrey, U.S.A., Millennium model (Ref No.107C)
Jose Romanillos, England
David Rubio, England

Roberto Aussel -
Maurice Dupont, France, spruce
* Daniel Friederich, France, cedar, S/N: 460 (1977), 615, 646, 694 (Ref No.244)

Denis Azabagic -
Otto Vowinkel, Holland, cedar (Ref No.32)

Agustin Barrios Mangore -
Jose Ramirez I , Spain (Ref No.111)
Jose Ramirez II, Spain (Ref No.112)
Enrique Sanfeliu, Spain (Ref No.113)

Manuel Barrueco -
Robert Ruck, U.S.A, 1972, cedar (Ref No.5)
Matthias Dammann, Germany, 1995, cedar (Ref No.4)

Siegfried Behrend -
Richard Jakob Weissgerber, Germany (Ref No.186)
Yamaha, Japan, GC 30-B, late 1970s, built by Hideyuki Ezaki (Ref No.187)
Kodama Kanoh, Japan (Ref No.188)

Paulo Bellinati -
Paul Fischer, England, 1977, spruce (Ref No.1)
Ignacio Fleta & Hijos, Spain, 1991, cedar (Ref No.2)
Robert Ruck, U.S.A., 1997, spruce (Ref No.3)
Robert Bouchet, France, recording use on "The Guitar Works of Garoto" (Ref No.90)

Baltazar Benitez -
Ignacio Fleta, Spain

Ernesto Bitetti -
Jose Ramirez III, Spain (Ref No.206)
Ignacio Fleta, Spain

Diego Blanco -
Ignacio Fleta, Spain, 1980

Piero Bonaguri -
Jose Ramirez III, Spain, 1969 (Ref No.311)
Pietro Gallinotti, Italy, 1940 (Ref No.312)
Dario Pontiggia, Italy, 2003 (Ref No.313)

Carlos Bonell -
David Rubio, England, late 1960s (Ref No.114)
Jose Romanillos, England, mid 1970s (Ref No.115)
Ignacio Fleta, Spain
Trevor Semple, England, Series 88
Greg Smallman, Australia (Ref No.116)

Remi Boucher -
Joachim Schneider, Germany (Ref No.229)

Liona Boyd -
Jose Ramirez III, Spain
Yamaha, Japan, GC-70C, handmade by Kato
* German Vazquez Rubio, U.S.A. (Ref No.233)

Julian Bream -
Manuel Ramirez, Spain (Ref No.117)
Santos Hernandez, Spain (Ref No.118)
Hector Quine, England, 1954 (Ref No.119)
Robert Bouchet, France, sold in 1990
Details on the Bouchet guitars :
1957, 1960, 1962, 1964 (Ref No.123)
Hernandez & Aguado, Spain, 1965, sold in late 1970s (Ref No.124)
Brian Cohen, England, 1991
Jeffrey Elliott, U.S.A., 1986
Hermann Hauser, Germany (Ref No. 65A)
Details on the Hauser guitars :
Hermann Hauser I, Germany, 1936, 1940 (his present guitar, owned by Rose Augustine), 1944, 1947, 1950 (Ref No.120)
Hermann Hauser II, Germany, 1957, sold to Robert Spencer, currently owned by Bruce Banister (Ref No.121)
Edgar Monch, Germany/Canada, 1959 (Ref No.122)
Masaru Kohno, Japan, sold in 1990
* Jose Romanillos, England, 1973, 1985
David Rubio, England, 1965, 1966 (Ref No.125)
Kevin Aram, England (Ref No.49)
Gary Southwell, England, 1996, bench copy of Rose Augustine's 1940 Hermann Hauser I guitar (Ref No.126, Ref No.189)

Robert Brightmore -
John Gilbert, U.S.A.

Leo Brouwer -
Daniel Friederich, France, S/N:392 (1974) and 441 (1976) (Ref No.93, Ref No.239)
Francisco Simplicio, Spain (Ref No.94)
Yamaha, Japan, H. Ezaki, GC 30A, cedar, late 1970s, bought from the luthier in person (Ref No.127, Ref No.190)
Ignacio Fleta, Spain (Ref No.128)

Julian Byzantine -
Greg Smallman, Australia, 1990
Smallman & Sons, Australia, 1999, made by Kym Smallman (Ref No.230)

Jorge Caballero -
Masaji Nobe, Japan (Ref No.129, Ref No.191)
John Price, Australia (Ref No.130)

Jorge Cardoso -
Manuel Contreras, Spain, 25th Anniversary model

Abel Carlevaro -
Manuel Contreras, Spain, Carlevaro model, early-mid 1980s (Ref No.50; Ref No.131)

Ricardo Cobo -
Thomas Humphrey, U.S.A.
Gregory Byers, U.S.A. (Ref No.20)
Jose Oribe, U.S.A. (Ref No.21)
Tom Blackshear, U.S.A. (Ref No.43)
German Vazquez Rubio, U.S.A., Humphrey Millenium replica (Ref No.234)
Mikhail Robert, Canada (Ref No.308)

Michael Chapdelaine -
Michael Thames, U.S.A. (Ref No.38)
Thomas Humphrey, U.S.A., Millennium model (Ref No.86, Ref No.107D)

Leif Christensen -
Ignacio Fleta, Spain

Costas Cotsiolis -
Manuel Contreras, Spain, 25th Anniversary Edition model
Alkis Efthimiadis, Greece
Thomas Humphrey, U.S.A., Millennium model (Ref No.107E)
* Zbigniew Gnatek, Australia (Ref No.95, Ref No.227)

Flavio Cucchi -
Andrea Tacchi, Italy, spruce (Ref No.212)

John Dearman -
Thomas Humphrey, U.S.A., 7-string Millennium model (Ref No.107F)

Aniello Desiderio -
Andrea Tacchi, Italy (Ref No.226)

Graham Anthony Devine -
Daniel Friederich, France (Ref No.236)
Hernandez y Aguado, Spain (Ref No.236)
Michael Gee, England (Ref No.236)
* Andres Marvi, Spain (Ref No.253)

Alirio Diaz -
Ignacio Fleta, Spain
O. Raponi, Italy (Ref No.132)
Jose Ramirez, Spain (Ref No.314)
Pietro Gallinotti, Italy (Ref No.315)
Hermann Hauser, Germany (Ref No.316)
Scandurra (Ref No.317)

Carlo Domeniconi -
Kolya Panhuyzen, Canada (Ref No.54)

Duo Sonare (Jens Wagner & Thomas Offermann) -
Maurice Ottiger, Germany (Ref No.133)
Bernhard Kresse, Germany (Ref No.134)
Karl-Heinz Rommich, Germany (Ref No135)

Roland Dyens -
Maurice Dupont, France
Olivier Fanton d'Andon, France, 1992 (Ref No.6, Ref No.136)

Marcin Dylla -
Manuel Contreras II, Spain, Spruce, 10th Anniversary model (Ref No.254)

Jozsef Eotvos -
Karl-Heinz Rommich, Germany (Ref No.137)
Masaki Sakurai, Japan (Ref No.138)

Jose Antonio Escobar -
Simon Marty, Australia (Ref No.203)

Eduardo Falu -
Ignacio Fleta, Spain

Eduardo Fernandez -
Paul Fischer, England
* Daniel Friederich, France, 1986, cedar, S/N:614 (Ref No.247)

Eliot Fisk -
Ignacio Fleta, Spain, 1986
Thomas Humphrey, U.S.A., 1988, Millennium model cedar (Ref No.107G)
Aaron Green, U.S.A. (Ref No.213)
Pedro Maldonado, Spain (Ref No.221)
Bernd Holzgruber, Austria (Ref No.222)

Shin-Ichi Fukuda -
Hermann Hauser II, Germany, 1961 (Ref No.139)
* Robert Bouchet, France, 1966 (Ref No.27, Ref No.185, Ref No.192)
Ignacio Fleta, Spain (Ref No.140)
Robert Ruck, U.S.A., 1985 (Ref No.141)
Masaru Kohno, Japan, late 1990s (Ref No.142)

Paul Galbraith -
David Rubio, England (Ref No.62)
Details on the Rubio guitars :
1989 8-string, * 1995 8-string, with resonance box made by Antonio Tessarim,
Brazil. (Ref No.143, Ref No.193)

Kevin Gallagher -
Gregory Byers, U.S.A. (Ref No.15)

Ricardo Gallen -
Paco Santiago Marin, Spain (Ref No.204)
Lourdes Uncilla Moreno, Spain (Ref No.205)

Gerald Garcia -
Greg Smallman, Australia

Oscar Ghiglia -
Robert Bouchet, France
* Ignacio Fleta, Spain
Jose Ramirez III, Spain
Masaki Sakurai, Japan (Ref No.144)

Antigoni Goni -
Olivier Fanton d'Andon, France (Ref No.57)
Jose Romanillos, England, recording use (Ref No.60)

Paul Gregory -
Manuel Contreras, Spain
Trevor Semple, England, Series 88

Slava Grigoryan -
Simon Marty, Australia (Ref No.48)
Antonio Marin Montero, Spain (Ref No.256)

Stefano Grondona - (Ref No.194)
* Antonio de Torres, Spain (Ref No.145, Ref No.195)
Robert Bouchet, France (Ref No.146)
Ignacio Fleta, Spain (Ref No.147)
Luca Waldner, Italy, spruce-top Torres-style (Ref No.249)

Robert Guthrie -
Dieter Hopf, Germany
Masaru Kohno, Japan
Tom Blackshear, U.S.A. (Ref No.42)

Maria Esther Guzman -
Arcangel Fernandez, Spain (Ref No.148)

Franz Halasz -
Simon Marty, Australia (Ref No.99)

Nicola Hall - (Ref No.88)
Paul Fischer, England
Greg Smallman, Australia
Christopher Dean, England (Ref No.59)
Ignacio Fleta, Spain (Ref No.149)

Frederic Hand -
John Gilbert, U.S.A.

Josep Henriquez -
Ignacio Fleta, Spain

Robin Hill -
David Rubio, England (Ref No.318)
Manuel Contreras, Spain (Ref No.319)
Greg Smallman, Australia (Ref No.320)
Miguel Rodriguez, Spain (Ref No.321)

Evan Hirschelman -
David Daily, U.S.A. (Ref No.37)

John Holmquist -
G.V. Rubio, U.S.A. (Ref No.61)

Adam Holzman -
Thomas Humphrey, U.S.A., 1987

Mikio Hoshida -
Ignacio Fleta, Spain

Dimitri Illarionov -
Frank-Peter Dietrich, Germany (Ref No.220)

Antonio de Innocentis -
Peter Oberg, U.S.A., Cedar (Ref No.228)

Eduardo Isaac -
Dominique Field, France (Ref No.25)

Sharon Isbin -
* Thomas Humphrey, U.S.A., 1981, 1989, Millennium model (Ref No.107H)
Masaru Kohno, Japan, 1978 Model 50

Dejan Ivanovic -
Zelimir Sever, Croatia (Ref No.100)

William Kanengiser -
Paul Jacobson, U.S.A.
Miguel Rodriguez, Spain, 1977, Church Door
Jose Ramirez III, Spain

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