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2005-2-26日 0:28 阅读:次 作者:wangjianguo译 [ ]

  斯科特·莫里斯9岁时开始弹吉他,在印地安那的印地安纳波利斯向Brian Hostetler学习。17岁时,他来到洛杉矶继续学习,并在南加州大学获得了音乐学士学位。1994年,他搬到了新英格兰,并在耶鲁大学完成了音乐学硕士学位。莫里斯先生是在荷兰阿克玛音乐交流会上被选中向布劳威尔学习的唯一的美国人。他还在奥地利萨尔茨保国际音乐节上向佩佩·罗梅罗学习;在阿斯彭音乐节上他连续花了3个暑假与格莱美奖得主——吉他演奏家Sharon Isbin一起工作。参加过包括Eliot Fisk, David Russell, Norbert Kraft, David Leisner, David Tanenbaum以及Anthony Newman等人的大师班并为他们演奏,莫里斯主要的老师包括William Kanengeiser,Scott Tennant,John Dearman, Sharon Isbin, Jack Sanders以及Benjamin Verdery等人。

  莫里斯获得不少奖学金或比赛大奖,包括美国弦乐教师协会、克莱尔蒙特研究生大学、国际艺术家协会;阿斯彭音乐节,CSU夏季艺术节,Glendale交响乐团,USC Thorton音乐学校以及耶鲁音乐学院等。他在整个欧洲和北美都有过演出,明年将计划到亚洲巡演。莫里斯还在许多电台节目里做过演播室佳宾,包括洛杉矶KPFK“Music of the Americas”、John Schneider’s Soundboard, WYSO in Ohio,WHBN in Lexington, Kentucky以及 KRSC in Tulsa, Oklahoma等,1998年4月他在卡内基音乐厅举办了他在纽约的首场演奏会。

  除了是位多产的独奏家外,莫里斯与日本吉他演奏家Isamu Nakashio组成好莱坞吉他二重奏,一起巡演和录制唱片。莫里斯的首张CD叫Invocation,收录了罗德里戈、帕格尼尼、约克、布劳威尔、法雅和梅兹的作品,可以在Eroica古典唱片公司买到。今年圣诞节,莫里斯将在Eroica唱片公司录制一张19世纪吉他音乐的唱片,随后还会有帕格尼尼作品专辑录音。莫里斯先生还在Fullerton College, Cerritos College, Cypress College 以及Los Angeles Harbor College等学校教学。他还是是J. D’Addario表演艺术家团队的一名出色成员。


唱片Invocation 评论:

“On Invocation, the gifted young California-based guitarist Scott Morris plays a well-chosen collection of guitar pieces spanning the 19th and 20th centuries. There are works by Fernando Sor, Manuel de Falla (Homenaje), Joaquin Rodrigo (Invocation dy Danza), Niccolo Paganini, Leo Brouwer (Elegio de la Danza), Andrew York and Johann Kaspar Mertz. This imaginative album was produced by John Dearman of the Los Angeles Guitar Quartet and is a delightful selection of music that deserves to be better known.”                                                                                                                                    -New Classics UK

“Magnetic performances. Fingers of steel. Perfect intonation and unquestionable musicality. These words perfectly describe the qualities of classical guitarist Scott Morris, who brings thrillingly to life these musical geniuses of the ages: Fernando Sor, Manuel de Falla, Nicolo Paganini, and Joaquin Rodrigo.”


“Scott Morris can play the guitar, his technique is particularly impressive.  His playing shows personality and creativity.  Mr. Morris plays clearly and concisely, and his interpretations are convincing.  Scott Morris, as this CD demonstrates, is a young artist with great potential.”


“For those who aren’t aware of the simple beauty of the solo classical guitar, after 50 minutes with Scott, you will be. The fingers are busy and crafty. Joaquin Rodrigo’s ‘Invocation  y Danza’ proves this point in elegant fashion; a spry 8 minutes as only the Spanish guitar can claim.

One of the most courtly sets on this release must be the re-acquaintance with Paganini’s Sonatas that take up the bulk of the track list, though they are the short and sweet airs that leave room for other delights, though not greater ones. A bouncy touch is given to these quaint exercises in romantic notions without becoming freestyle or obsessed with ornamentation. Morris knows enough to let the music speak, being himself a first class translator.

Andrew York’s collection of ‘Reflections’ is like the sunset of the album. Thinking is wonderfully underscored with this trilogy of softies, an almost new age skimming off of the harsher elements. What we are left with is one man and his guitar, and the deserted country fields that stretch.

Scott’s next cd will be works from the 19th century and I for one will only be too pleased to lay ears on it.

                                                                                        -Ben Ohmart, Muse’s Muse

Current Repertoire

Prelude, Fugue and Allegro - BWV 998 J.S. Bach
Grand Sonata in A Niccolo Paganini
Sonatas 1, 2, 8 and 10 
Reflections Andrew York
Scott's Muse
Eight Discernments 
Eight Dreamscapes 
Five Preludes H. Villa-lobos
Elogio de la Danza Leo Brouwer
Intoduction and Variations,Op.28 'Marlborough' Fernando Sor
Variations on “La Folia”, Op. 15
Hungarian Fantasy J.K. Mertz
Variations on Folies D'Espagne, Op.45 Mauro Giuliani
Invocation and Dance Joaquin Rodrigo

出自: 吉他中国论坛

-古典吉他作曲兼演奏家弗朗西斯·克雷杨斯 (2004年7月31日)
-关于大教堂III乐章的版本 (2003年5月26日)




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