威廉斯论吉他比赛,大家的看法如何? 看了威廉斯的访谈录,里面有一段关于关于音乐比赛的论述,我觉得很有意思: 问:您对吉他比赛由什么看法?你认为吉他比赛对于年轻选手的提高有益吗?您支持吗? 答:不。我基本上不赞成任何一种乐器的比赛。我认为音乐不能像赛跑那样去衡量--我知道说起来是件很显而易见的事,而且会有很多“如果”和“但是”,因为比赛的确帮助了一些艺术家,吸引了公众对音乐的注意。但是我个人不喜欢许多吉他比赛举行的形式。每一轮的比赛都会有不同的令人费解的东西。尤其是对于大奖获得者的过分炒作......我宁愿选出几个选手进入最后的决赛,而他们获得相同的奖励。
大家对此有何看法? 附原文: A-P-L: What is your opinion of guitar competitions? Do you think they are good for developing young players, and do you support them?
JW : No, basically I don't like or approve of competitions on any instrument. I don't think music can be evaluated like a race - I know that's an obvious thing to say and that there are many ifs and buts involved, because they do help some artists and concentrate the public's attention on music. But I particularly don't like the way many guitar competitions are run, the confusing way points are awarded differently in each round of a competition, and especially the over-exploitation of the "Big Winner" and the competitive values that puts on players and the activity of guitar playing itself. Winning is a matter of taste in most cases, and there are often many other equally deserving competitors other than just the First Prize recipient. I feel it would be fairer to have a select group of finalists, each of whom receives the same award and status.
I have served on juries in the past, but these days I refuse to take part, and I feel it is important to take that stand otherwise your reservations have no meaning. Having said all that, I know it happens anyway and sometimes there is sponsorship involved which does help the general public interest and support. But it still doesn't need to be a cut and dried thing, where each finalist is ranked as precisely as 1,2,3. I think it is those competitive values that are wrong, not the celebration of excellence in music as such. I have talked about the idea of setting up a competition where this other approach is used, but nothing definite has emerged from it yet; it may take some time to develop.