011-1202 highway1 tele 大家来看俺翻译地老外的评测

011-1202 highway1 tele 枫木指板,日落色琴身,绝对vintage的三弹簧式铉桥,60年代的感觉。
以下是老外对他的评测: 总体统计: Fender Highway 1 Telecaster
Price New Check at zZounds.com Manufacturer URL http://www.fender.com/ Features 8 (33 responses)(外观等特征8分) Sound 8.9 (33 responses) (音色8.9分) Action, Fit, & Finish 8.3 (33 responses)(手感8.3分) Reliability/Durability 9 (33 responses) (可靠度,就是看它皮实不,9分) Customer Support 6.6 (33 responses) (售后服务6.6分) Overall Rating 9.3 (33 responses)(综合表现9.3分)
再看看其中比较有代表性的一位的高见: Price Paid: US $559 (才折合人民币4472,妈x美国人收入水平比中国高n倍琴还那么便宜) Purchased from: N/A Portland Music Company(购于波特兰乐器公司)
Features: 9(外观等特征) 2003, USA Made, 22 Frets. Maple Neck, Alder Body, Standard Telecaster pickup Configuration, Satin Laquer sunburst finish, Three saddle string through bridge, Schaller tuners. I figured that I would upgrade the bridge to American individual saddles, but after playing this for a while there doesn't seem to be a reason to. (03年美国制造,22品,枫木琴颈,桦木琴身日落色,标准tele拾音器,三簧式弦桥。我本想把弦桥升级成美国版独立式的,但是弹了一会儿就后觉得没有必要了) Sound: 9(音色)
A blues and tone machine. Y'know when you plug in a guitar and you get exactly the sound you were after? This Telecaster did that for me. I play through a Roland Blues Cube 30W and use a Crybaby Wah, Boss Distortion and Boss Super Chorus. Very quiet, especially for single coil PU's. Full range of Telecaster sounds and for a bolt-on neck it sustains and sustains and sustains. It tunes up effortlessly with my KORG LED tuner because it holds the note for so long. I've never had a guitar do that before. (一部布鲁斯音色机器,把它插上箱子你就会知道这就是你一直在追求的音色。我用罗兰cube30,crybaby 哇音踏板,boss 失真和超级合唱。非常安静,特别是只用单条pickup的时候。绝对的tele音色,超级好的沿音,以致用校音器调弦时由于沿音太长所以不太好调。)
Action, Fit, & Finish: 8 The guitar was tuned down a step so I had to retune it when I got home. The neck is very precisely finished, medium jumbo frets, rolled edges, perfect nut, it's really well fit into the neck pocket. I prefer rosewood fingerboards, but this maple neck is easy to move around on and not as tacky as most that I've played. It should only improve with age. The Alder isn't as good a choice as Ash for a sunburst, but if they used ash it wouldn've cost $200 more because of the extra steps to seal the wood. That being said the sunburst is perfectly applied and the wood grain is very clean for alder. The finish is satin lacquer and is quite thin. Even for the most careful handler you will mar or dent the finish at some point. Be careful of rubber guitar stands, they will react with the lacquer finish. 10 years from now the lacquer will have aged, chipped, checked and mellowed and really have a lot of character. (琴弦出厂的时候被调成低于标准音一度的,琴颈精准,中等大小品丝,圆滑的边缘,完美的nut?我喜欢玫瑰木指板,但枫木指板更滑,容易移动,不像我以往弹过的琴那么发粘,也只有通过岁月的磨练才能让它不那么滑了.桦木琴身不如白蜡木琴身好,但要是选择白蜡木琴身你就要为木料多花200美元了.日落色的琴身和木纹清晰的桦木是好搭配.琴体上的漆非常薄,放在琴架上的时候要小心划伤.10年以后琴身上的漆会被磨损,那将会非常有个性.
Reliability/Durability: 8(可靠度) The guitar itself is a beast. The hardware is stamped steel, chrome plated, tuners are sealed Schallers. Totally dependable, stable and solid guitar and construction. The finish is the only potential drawback for some. I prefer lacquer and believe that a guitar should show its age. This one will. If you prefer a poly, waterproof slab to withstand a nuclear winter buy the Mexican reissues. If you want the better guitar step over to the US Highway 1 Telecaster. 这琴本身就是个野兽,硬件都是鉻钢制造,牢靠坚实,完全值得信任.唯一潜在的缺点在于琴身涂漆,但我更喜欢漆会掉的产生年代久远的感觉.如果你想要一把能扛的住漫长的核冬天的防水石板,那就买墨芬好了.
Customer Support: 8 Limited lifetime warranty, plus one year on pickups, wiring, etc. I can't imagine what is covered for the lifetime since everything will eventually wear on a guitar. Fender is hit and miss for service, but my local shop is great. This is the sixth guitar that I've bought from them and I will continue to return for more.
Overall Rating: 8(综合评价) I've been playing poorly for 20 years. I own a 1987 Squier MIJ Strat (still my favorite guitar,) a 1998 Squier Affinity Telecaster (currently in pieces, getting new paint and a Bigsby Tremolo,)a 2000 DeArmond M75, a 2001 kit strat from Saga, a 2001 Johnson Tele, a 2003 Essex LP and this new Telecaster. I fiddle with and modify the cheap guitars and play the Squier and now the Tele for most of my stuff. I traded in my Squier Standard Telecaster to upgrade to this. I compared it to the Mexican Standard, Mexican 50's reissue, Japanese Paisley and American Series. For my purposes it was equal to or superior to them all. The American Series has a more durable finish, stainless six-saddle bridge and bi-flex truss rod, none of which are crucial to me. I love that this guitar will age quickly. It already looks incredible under stage lights, as if it's been there for 20 years soaking up sweat, smoke and the blues. It will take me some time to get used to playing a maple neck again but I need maple if it's really to be considered a Telecaster. Six-saddle bridge may be on the horizon but not yet. For me, this is the best value in the entire Telecaster line. (俺穷了20年了.有一大堆squier~~~之类的菜琴.我把squier卖了升级成为这把highway tele.对比了墨芬的tele standard ,50周年纪念款,日芬和american系列.american系列有着更坚实的琴身涂漆,不锈钢六点式弦桥,这些都不是我需要的.我喜欢这琴会很快变得老旧,那会让他在舞台灯光的照射下变得迷死人,好像她已经沉浸在甜美的冒烟的(~~)蓝调音乐里20年了.) (注: 这个人**的利害,呵呵~~) Submitted by Bruce Eaton at 04/24/2003 20:39