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Seymour Duncan电吉他拾音器的选择与组合

2005-4-26日 1:44 阅读:次 作者:吉他教徒 [ ]


  Santa Barbara, California - Ever wonder why customers don’t buy electric guitar pickups? Seymour Duncan did. So they undertook detailed market research to determine the biggest factor as to why customers don’t make the purchase decision. It turns out that Duncan’s huge array of pickups (108 different series, at last count) was working for them and against them at the same time. The biggest reason for reluctant customers: “too many pickups from which to choose.”

  So, earlier this month, the Santa Barbara-based pickup manufacturer released their most popular pickup models in pre-matched sets, to take the guesswork out of determining which pickups work well together. The initial release of matched sets included the following, each targeted to a specific type of customer and their musical taste:

- Vintage Blues™ Set – is made up of a pair of calibrated SH-1 ’59 Model pickups for the neck and bridge positions. This set is based on the vintage P.A.F. humbuckers of the late ‘50s and is perfect for blues, jazz, and classic rock.
- Hot Rodded Humbucker™ Set – matches an SH-2n Jazz Model for the neck position with and an SH-4 JB Model for the bridge position. This is Seymour’s favorite humbucker set and is widely used for everything from aggressive blues-rock to metal.
- Distortion Mayhem™ Set – includes a duo of SH-6 Duncan Distortion humbuckers for the neck and bridge positions. This is an aggressive youth-oriented set, which was designed for the heaviest punk, metal, and hardcore guitar tones.
- California ‘50s™ Set – is a matched and calibrated set of SSL-1 Vintage Staggered pickups for Stratocaster® guitars. The pickups are authentic ‘50s reproduction Alnico 5 vintage single coils, and work great for surf, Country, blues and classic rock.
- Everything Axe™ Set – combines an SJBJ-1b JB Jr. for the bridge position with an SDBR-1n Duckbucker and SL59-1n Little ’59 for the middle and neck positions. This is an extremely versatile set that will coax everything from vintage to heavy tones from a Stratocaster. It works with all musical styles, and each of the pickups is hum canceling.

  Seymour Duncan一直奇怪为什么消费者不喜欢选择拾音器,为了搞清楚这个问题,他们着手对市场进行仔细的研究,看看到底为什么消费者没有购买拾音器的动机,结果Seymour Duncan发现原来是他们庞大的产品系列扰乱了消费者的眼睛,人们不想购买的最主要原因就是“拾音器太多了,无法下手”。

  针对于此,Seymour Duncan开始推出一些建立在Seymour Duncan品牌上的拾音器组合,每一种组合都针对不同的消费者和音乐品位。

1、Vintage Blues™ Set
  Seymour Duncan建议使用一对SH-1 59,这个组合是建立在能产生50年代后期经典Blues、Jazz、Classi Rock音色的Vintage PAF双线圈拾音器的基础上,Vintage的音色。
2、Hot Rodded Humbucker™ Set
  琴桥使用SH-4 JB、琴颈使用SH-2N,这种组合广泛应用在Blues Rock到Metal的领域中。
3、Distortion Mayhem™ Set
  使用一对SH-6,这种组合专门为Punk设计,当然了,金属和Hard Core风格也适用,属于非常野性的组合。
4、California ‘50s™ Set
  使用SSL-1单线圈拾音器,专门为Stratocaster® guitars设计,Vintage的音色,适用Blues、Jazz等经典音色。
5、Everything Axe™ Set
  琴桥使用SJBJ-1B,中间使用SL-591n,琴颈使用LITTLE‘59,这种组合是万能组合,适用各种风格,不但可以使你的Stratocaster® guitars发出凶猛的音色,而且值得一提的是,这些拾音器都是hum,噪音很小。

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