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2004-3-11日 14:5 阅读:次 作者:于冰 [ ]


For more than 100 years Gretsch has developed what came to be known as "That Great Gretsch Sound," but it all began with a young German immigrant in Brooklyn.


At 27, Friedrich Gretsch founded a small musical instrument shop 1883 to make banjos, drums and tambourines. Only 12 years later Friedrich died, leaving the fledgling company in the hands of his teenage son Fred.

27岁时,Friedrich Gretsch创立了一家小型乐器店1883(这里可能少词,应该是在1883年创立 编辑这段文字的老外不细心),制作班卓琴,鼓和小手鼓等。然而仅仅在12年后,Friedrich Gretsch逝世了,给他十多岁的儿子Fred留下了一家初具规模的乐器公司。

While it may be an unlikely start for a century-long (and growing) musical legacy, young Fred wasn't the typical teen. By 1916 he had built the company into one of America's leading importers and manufacturers of musical instruments, and the operations moved into a 10-story building at 60 Broadway in Brooklyn.


Fred knew listening to what the public wanted was the key to growth, and the public wanted guitars. So, Gretsch began making guitars.


Initially, Gretsch offered acoustic archtops aimed at jazz musicians, and a handful of flat-tops for country-western performers.


Meanwhile, 1935 marked an important year for Gretsch — Duke Kramer joined the team. Kramer went on to become a mainstay of the Gretsch company, and remains a valued counsel to this day.

期间,1935年对于Gretsch来说是至关重要的一年——Duke Kramer加盟。Kramer后来成为Gretsch公司的中流砥柱,留下至今价值非凡的影响。

"That distinctive sound was our product, the sound that energized the market for decades," Kramer says.

“我们的各种产品有着不同的声音!数十年来这些声音一直满足着大众的诉求!” Kramer牛逼哄哄地说。

Fred Gretsch, Sr. retired from the company in 1942, leaving the day-to-day operations to his sons Fred, Jr. and William.

Fred Gretsch一世在1942年从公司退休了,留下一个日以继夜运转的乐器产销公司给他的儿子们,Fred二世和William。

Fred Gretsch, Jr. managed the company briefly, then left the company to serve with distinction as a commander in the Navy, and Bill Gretsch became president. Kramer recalls, "Bill was a man with a subtle talent for inspiring people to do their best and a genius for constructive counsel. His sense of humor was irresistible. When he passed away in 1948, a legion of individuals felt they lost their best friend."

Fred Gretsch二世暂时掌管公司,而后离开公司在海军供职。Bill Gretsch成为了公司首脑。Kramer回忆说,“Bill拥有鼓动人们尽其所能的敏锐天赋,且拥有建设性的提议的天才。他的幽默感无可抵挡。当他在1948年去世时,很多人觉得他们失去了最好的朋友。”

Command was again passed to Fred Gretsch, Jr. and the Navy veteran led the company into a new age of prosperity in the "atomic age" '50s. Gretsch, being the first to use custom color finishes, and offering a wide variety of space age gizmos and gimmickry, was uniquely positioned to succeed in the era. Through the 50s, they even outsold Leo Fender's wonderful new creations. High-profile artists and endorsers like Chet Atkins, Eddie Cochran and Duane Eddy didn't hurt, either.

公司再次回到Fred Gretsch二世手中,这个海军退伍军人带领公司进入了50年代“原子时代”的繁荣期。Gretsch作为第一个使用尾漆色彩抛光(彩色的最后一层漆的抛光工艺)的品牌,给这个所谓的太空时代提供多种多样的花色品种,成为这个时期唯一的赢家。在50年代,他们甚至比fender的精美的新产品销售更多。即使是Chet Atkins, Eddie Cochran 和 Duane Eddy这样的大牌明星转用别的品牌的吉他也丝毫没有动摇Gretsch吉他的坚固地位!!!

The '60s brought a further boost to Gretsch when George Harrison played a succession of Gretsch

60年代给Gretsch带来更进一步的推进,当George Harrison(披头士乐队的成员乔治哈里森)选用了Gretsch琴并长期的用它来演奏的时候更是火上浇油啊,大家想想看,谁不想范儿一把啊? (名人效应啊)

In the late '60s, Fred Gretsch retired and sold the company to Baldwin Manufacturing. Baldwin had difficulty understanding Gretsch's position in the market and failed to make a transition through the psychedelic '60s and hard-rock '70s. Kids inspired by Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Beck and Eric Clapton turned to Fender. To make matters worse, Baldwin moved production to Arkansas, and Gretsch suffered through two disastrous fires.

60年代末期,Fred Gretsch退休了,将公司卖给Baldwin Manufacturing。Baldwin对于Gretsch在市场中的定位有失误的判断(好像乐器行业里,这样的门外汉不止他一个),在60年代的迷幻音乐和70年代的硬摇滚时代的转变中失败了。从Jimi Hendrix, Jeff Beck 和 Eric Clapton的音乐中得到灵感的小子们开始转向购买fender吉他。让事情更糟糕的是,Baldwin将生产移到阿肯色州,Gretsch在两场火灾中损失惨重。(当然惨重,好木料,再说又是风干了的,加上阿州的天气历来是出名的好!)

The Baldwin marriage was always an unhappy one. With sales down and the head office increasingly disinterested, Gretsch limped through the 70s and finally shut down production in the early 80s.


But ever since the company had left the family, Fred Gretsch III had vowed it would return. In 1985 his dream came true, and through the 90s he brought Gretsch back into the limelight with a series of successful re-issues and new models.

然而,虽然公司已经离开家族,但Fred Gretsch三世曾经发誓它将回归。终于在1985年他的梦想成真了,在90年代,通过一系列的成功的炒做和新型号的发布,他将Gretsch吉他重新带回引人注目的中心地位。

In late 2002 a deal was struck for Fender Musical Instruments Corp. to handle Gretsch manufacturing and distribution, bringing that "Great Gretsch Sound" to be heard worldwide once again.


For more information on the history of the Gretsch Company and its guitar models, visit the Gretsch Pages at www.gretschpages.com.



Artist               Band                     Website 
 Alanis Morissette                       www.alanismorissette.com 
 Antony Langdon     SpaceHog     
 Billy Duffy        The Cult     
 Billy Zoom         X                    www.billyzoom.com 
 Bo Diddley                              www.turnup-root.com 
 Bono    U2     
 Brandin Lea        Flickerstick         www.flickerstick.com 
 Brett Hestla       Virgos Merlot        www.virgos.cc 
 Brian Doherty      Big Wreck     
 Brian Henneman     The Bottle Rockets     
 Brian Setzer                            www.surfdog.com/setzerbio.html 
 Bryan Adams         
 Carl Axon          Dr and the Medics     
 Cary Pierce        Jackopierce          www.carypierce.com 
 CC DeVille         Poison     
 Chet Atkins                             www.misterguitar.com 
 Chris Cheney       The Living End     
 Chris Collingwood  Fountains of Wayne     
 Chris Cornell      Audioslave           www.audioslave.com 
 Chris Isaak         
 Christopher Hall   Stabbing Westward    www.stabbingwestward.com 
 Courtney Love      Hole                 www.holemusic.com 

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