吉他中国综合消息:国际乐器界的最大的年度盛会盛事“2007第105届NAMM乐器展览会”于1月18日至21日在加州的阿纳海姆举行,世界著名乐器厂商纷纷在展会发布最新产品以及最新消息。而作为拥有DIME、MSG、MICHAEL ANGELO的DEAN吉他又隆重宣布:
作为金属历史上最多产的音乐人之一,他的加入,对DEAN家族无疑最重要的事件之一. 我们也非常骄傲的正式发布DAVE MUSTAINE VMNT系列签名琴。
并请参阅以下最新的DAVE MUSTAINE VMNT限量款以及DAVE MUSTAINE VMNT1的配置。(翻译:qiuqiu)

Dave Mustaine VMNT Limited

Only 150 will be produced worldwide and signed by Dave Mustaine
Heavily flamed maple top
Equipped with Seymour Duncan Mustaine Live Wire active pickups
Gold hardware
25.5 scale length with 24 frets
Dunlop flush mount straplocks
Deth certificate signed by Dave Mustaine included
Custom stenciled hardshell case included
Available in Transparent Black, Transparent Red and Transparent Amber

25.5 scale length with 24 frets
Dave Mustaine Live Wire USA custom active pickups
Dunlop flush mount straplocks
Includes hardshell case
First 500 guitars to include Megadeth CD autographed by Dave Mustaine
Available in Silver and Black