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2004-6-11日 13:25 阅读:次 作者:semidope [ ]

6. Hand on Heart
7. Melissa's Garden
8. Call It Sleep
9. Christmas Time Is Here
10. Wall of Light
11. Boston Rain Melody


1. For the Love of God
Steve Vai - guitars and keyboards
Stu Hamm - bass
Tris Imboden - drums

2. Touching Tongues
Steve Vai - guitars and other stuff
Devin Townsend - vocals
T.M. Stevens - bass
Terry Bozzio - drums

3. Windows to the Soul
Steve Vai - guitars and vocals
Mike Keneally - keyboards
Philip Bynoe - bass
Mike Mangini - drums

4. Burnin' Down the Mountain
Steve Vai - guitars
Pete Zeldman - percussion

5. Tender Surrender
Steve Vai - guitars
Deen Castronovo - drums
Tommy Mars - organ

6. Hand on Heart
Deen Castronovo - drums
Steve Vai - everything else

7. Melissa's Garden
Steve Vai - guitars
Gregg Bissonette - drums

8. Call It Sleep
Steve Vai - guitars
Stu Hamm - bass
Scott Collard - keyboards
Pete Zeldman - drums

9. Christmas Time Is Here
Steve Vai - guitars
Mike Keneally - keyboards
Philip Bynoe - bass
Bryan Beller - bass
Mike Mangini - drums

10. Wall of Light
Steve Vai - guitars and Eventide H3000

11. Boston Rain Melody
Steve Vai - guitars and vocals
Mike Keneally - keyboards
Philip Bynoe - bass
Mike Mangini - drums


This album holds so many memories, feelings, smells and tastes for me. When I think of recording the other records, I think of four studio walls. When I think of recording this record, I'm standing on a bridge in Paris with my wife; I'm at a truck stop in Poland creating mischief with my band; I'm in my hotel room in Greece looking out at the water and writing a song.

这张专集记录了我很多记忆, 感觉, 所耳闻目染的东西. 当我在录制其他专集的时候一直在想,我想到了四个录音室的墙,我录制这张专集的灵感来自, 某日我和妻子站在巴黎的一座桥, 某日我正逗留在波兰和乐队发生一些不和, 某日我在希腊的旅店看着窗外的湖水.....以上种种让我写下了这些歌.

编者补充:完全可以相信是VAI在外国游历的灵感,比如BLOOD AND GLORY的气势恢弘,比如WHISPER LIKE PRAYER 和Incantation 的虔诚! 但我想提的是两首歌曲,1Principessa,似乎带着国家的名歌风格, 精彩处是钢琴和吉他的对飙, 让琴声的柔和和吉他的粗旷做了很好的结合, 激烈的开场, 舒缓的中段, 果断的收尾也使得歌曲结构是我喜欢的紧凑型. 最棒的是结尾处的哮叫! 完全将歌曲气氛推到高潮! 2.Brandos Costumes (Gentle Ways) .这是VAI罕见的风格,以前的柔歌或多或少有激烈的成分,这次则充满CLASSCIAL的味道! 音色上甚至都不象用电吉他弄出来的,而是古典或者民谣的那种! 后来才知道, VAI原来不会CLASSCIAL的指法,他也不弹任何CLASSICAL的吉他,虽然他的吉他技师有教他, 他也很有天赋学这个, 但古典吉他的技法恐怕不是一两天就可以学会的........

-----------TRACK LIST -------------

Disc: 1
1. Giant Balls Of GoldMusic (Poland)
2. Burning RainMusic (Japan)
3. The Black ForestMusic (Germany)
4. Alive In An Ultra WorldMusic (Slovenia)
5. Devil's FoodMusic (Holland)
6. Blood And Glory (United Kingdom)
7. Whispering A Prayer (Ireland)
8. Iberian Jewel (Spain)

Disc: 2
1. The Power Of Bombos (Greece)
2. Incantation (Bulgaria)
3. Light Of The Moon (Australia)
4. Babushka (Romania)
5. Being With You (In Paris) (France)
6. Principessa (Italy)
7. Brandos Costumes (Gentle Ways) (Portugal)

这张 CD出现的音乐人:
Steve Vai
Mike Keneally
Philip Bynoe
Mike Mangini
David Weiner
[以上图片和文字(VAI感想的部分)版权属于VAI.COM, TRACK整理,翻译以及感想 BY SEMIDOPE, 翻译上的错误请大家多指正!]



相约Steve vai: www.GuitarsChina.com/vai2004

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出自: 吉他中国论坛

-北京娱乐信报头版报道吉他教父SteveVai来华演出! (2004年7月10日)
-关于SteveVai北京音乐会部分门票售完的通知! (2004年6月26日)
-公告:关于SteveVai的DVD签名Pick! (2004年3月8日)
-NeilZaza闪亮北京—旋律与技巧共献精彩! (2004年2月16日)
-NeilZaza抵达北京SteveVai新DVD发布 (2004年2月14日)





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