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2005-2-8日 8:34 阅读:次 作者:ling [ ]

No. 6 from One + One, Vol. 2 (Chanterelle: pupil's part 2204, teacher's score 2203/Spanish Guitar Centre Nottingham)

3.        Reinecke A Fairy Tale, Op.127a no.6 (piece to be played accompanied by a second guitar or, if necessary, a piano)
No. 7 from One + One, Vol. 2 (Chanterelle: pupil's part 2204, teacher's score 2203/Spanish Guitar Centre Nottingham)

4.        Betty Roe Ready, Steady, Go! (piece to be played accompanied by a second guitar or, if necessary, a piano)
No. 15 from One + One, Vol. 2 (Chanterelle: pupil's part 2204, teacher's score 2203/Spanish Guitar Centre Nottingham)

5.        Anon. Russian Chanson Russe, arr. Aaron.
No. 15 from The Magic Guitar, Very Easy Pieces 1, ed. Gerrits (Doberman 28-Kalmus/M.D.S. or /Spanish Guitar Centre Nottingham)

6.        Carulli Valse in G.
No. 13 from The Magic Guitar, Very Easy Pieces 1, ed. Gerrits (Doberman 28-Kalmus/M.D.S. or /Spanish Guitar Centre Nottingham)

7.        Claude Gagnon Chanson Vieillotte.
No. 11 from The Magic Guitar, Very Easy Pieces 1, ed. Gerrits (Doberman 28-Kalmus/M.D.S. or /Spanish Guitar Centre Nottingham)

8.        Marie Lévesque Hommage à Tárrega
No. 21 from The Magic Guitar, Very Easy Pieces 1, ed. Gerrits (Doberman 28-Kalmus/M.D.S. or /Spanish Guitar Centre Nottingham)

9.        Petr Eben Whose are these geese? or When I sowed wheat: no.31 or no.33 from '33 Czech Folksongs', arr. Batchelar (pieces to be played accompanied by a second guitar or, if necessary, a piano)
(Chanterelle: pupil's part 2212, teacher's score 2211/Spanish Guitar Centre Nottingham)

10.     Sor ude in C, Op.44 no.1 or C, Op.60 no.6.
No.6 or no.7 from The Magic Guitar, Easy Pieces 1, ed. Gagnon (Doberman 29-Kalmus/M.D.S. or /Spanish Guitar Centre Nottingham)

11.     Sor Petite Pièce in C, Op.44 no.1 or Lesson in C minor, Op.60 no.4 or C, Op.60 no.6.
Sor Complete Studies (Chanterelle 491/Spanish Guitar Centre Nottingham) or Sor Complete Studies, Lessons, and Exercises or separately (Tecla Editions)

C 组

1.        Peter Batchelar Cat and Mouse.
No. 19 from Solo Now! Vol. 2(Chanterelle 2102/Spanish Guitar Centre Nottingham)

2.        Stephen Dodgson Beachcomber.
No. 15 from Solo Now! Vol. 2(Chanterelle 2102/Spanish Guitar Centre Nottingham)

3.        Colin Downs Anna Magdalena's Dance.
No. 17 from Solo Now! Vol. 2(Chanterelle 2102/Spanish Guitar Centre Nottingham)

4.        Vojislav Ivanovic Climbing the Clock-Tower.

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出自: 吉他中国论坛

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